Chapter 30

Pad brushed Jack’s blonde hair back off his eyes again. Jack’s breathing didn’t change.

A couple of streets flew by fast as Jen picked up speed. Wayne flapped the car visor down and stared at its mirror. Pad saw Wayne, recognized that look. Wayne wanted him.

Yes. He’s fucking hot. And he knows it.

Pad’s heart beat faster as he saw Wayne wink.

May be the best way to forget RJ is to be with someone. Someone who wants me.

Pad winked back.

* * * *

The smell of coffee woke him up, but Pad lay there in bed. He had very little room to move since Wayne slept to his left on the adjacent futon, and Jack slept next to Pad with a wall of pillows separating them. His head throbbed and he remembered he drank quite a bit himself. He leaned over and checked on Jack. Wayne and Pad stripped him of his clothes last night and put him under a cold shower to reduce the chances of alcohol poisoning. After Pad dried off Jack, he put him to bed.