Chapter 34

No! Yuck!

“Nope. Never. Never Ever.”

“All right. That’s cool. It’s just since the airport and the club a few nights ago, you bicker a lot.”

Pad sat by Wayne, who had the book open. He brushed Wayne’s hand that held the yearbook.

“Well, we grew up together. Like I said, he’s like my brother, and Jen, like a sister. When I moved in with my aunt, they lived three doors down from us. He came over to meet me, and right away he told me he was gay, just like he was telling me what day of the week it was.”

“How old were you guys?”

“Thirteen when we first met. I met Jen right after that because she was very protective of Jack. Still is. She came over after Jack met me that first day.”

“That’s cool that you guys became great friends after that.”