Chapter 58

Fuck it. I didn’t do anything wrongI’m not calling him.He needs to fucking call me and beg for forgiveness.

* * * *

RJ hugged Brenda, happy to see a smiling face

“So, how have you been, love?”

RJ hesitated. He didn’t want to unload and tell her what happened the last few days, but she asked again, whispering, her face closer, as she did. After repeating her question, he told her about what happened. The weight of telling her helped him. After a few minutes of recounting, his chest felt less pressure.

“Has Pad contacted you? Or you him?” she asked.

“He’s left several Facebook messages apologizing, asking to Skype. But I’m too pissed to call him or write back.”

“Well, this Wayne guy seems like the bigger jerk, but it’s out in the open. What will you do now?”