Chapter 68

Jack, Jen, Pad; they all agreed being an adult wasn’t that much fun, but through all that crap they were family.


He and RJ would be their own family.

He held up his left hand and stared for a second at the engagement ring that circled his finger. He visualized the gold wedding ring in its place and sighed.

RJ was better now. Counseling helped him and helped Pad.

No one was perfect; they both wanted and deserved second chances.

* * * *

The kitchen clock chimed. Pad glanced at it and realized he had to hurry up. In a couple of hours he would be at the local bookstore, his second job. It helped pay for some bills, including his student loans. Luckily the manager was flexible about his schedule considering he still worked as a flight attendant about thirty plus hours a week. The leeway about the hours helped him with the wedding planning.