Chapter 70

“Hey Belinda, you want me to help you ring up?”

“Hey, Pad. I could have used you an hour ago. This place was slammed.”

“Sorry.” Pad scanned around. “It’s pretty quiet now.” There were two customers milling about near the book light and assorted items area but no one was in queue.

Belinda pushed her glasses up, as they had slid to the tip of her nose. She didn’t look at all to be Tristan’s older sister other than the same color bright copper hair, which she wore spiked. While Tristan wore his hair flat, cut at uneven lengths, Emo-style, her hair stood with the help of lot of product. She grabbed a box of books behind her. “Here, log into this computer while I stock some books. I need a break from annoying customers tonight.”

“Okay,” Pad mumbled as he gathered to pick up other books on the back counter, which he handed to her.

“Thinking about getting another tattoo.”


“I’m thinking a dragon tattoo on the right leg.”