Chapter 91

We broke up by mutual agreement. Yes, sure. Mutual agreement, my ass. We broke up because I’m an imbecile; that’s why. And he is proud. I wanted to help him and he thought I didn’t believe in him, thought I didn’t think he could make it just fine on his own. That what I gave him was charity.

A couple months have gone by, but things haven’t gotten better. I can’t find peace and don’t feel comfortable in my own space. Before Lucas arrived in my life, in my house, I was satisfied with what I had. No, not really. It wasn’t satisfying not to have a permanent job. But I liked what was around me: my family—even if they were far away—my friends, going out sometimes, enjoying my apartment. Now, though, I have regular employment: I work as a hardware technician in a small company, but it’s everything else going on around me that’s lacking.