Dean jerked back, skin tingling. The passageway appeared to contract, walls rushing in. Jay’s attention flicked to the interior of the garage, before settling on Dean’s face. He acted feline and furious, like a hissing, spitting cat, claws extended. Dean didn’t appreciate being the rodent but Jay tossed out words as though he were on the hunt through piles of rubbish.
“Do you always have to be so insensitive? Do you have to bring up the stupid sodding kiss every time? That kiss wasn’t even my fault. It was yours. But you’re going to keep making me pay.”
There came the eerie echo again, of Jay throwing an accusation Dean wanted to hurl right back. Dean hadn’t mentioned the kiss; the men had. If Jay wished it remained a secret, he should have considered before running his mouth off to his sister. Jay’s loose jaws ditched them into this. Dean should be the one complaining.