“Yeah, just like. But, Dean, this thing with Jay…You need to accept not only how much you hurt my brother but also why you behave this way. Why you go to extremes. Why you always have to come out on top, to push things as far as you can. There has to be something drastic going on with you. I don’t know why you have to be so…so…subversive.” Though she struggled to come up with the word, she chose well. He had known, on some level, how Jay felt.
“I shouldn’t have told you all this. I’ve betrayed my brother’s confidence. Not that we share huge heart-to-hearts over you, but it’s so obvious how he feels. I shouldn’t have said anything but I am just so sick of it.” If her intention had been to leave no doubt of her opinion, she accomplished that. “If I’m tired, I can’t imagine how worn Jay—”
“And I don’t know how you aren’t tired yourself—”