Chapter 38

“I like.” Dean made Jay’s breath catch.

“Coming from you…” Jay shook his head. “Hell, Dean. You’re fucking huge.”

His remark caused a laugh to bark out of the bigger man. Dean’s grin, infectious as always, had Jay smiling back before he grew sober, uneasy again. “Dean, what are we doing?”

He didn’t mean this evening, but he received the only answer he expected. Dean stood, took Jay’s hand, tugged him to the sofa where Dean paused long enough to undo his jeans and let them drop, kicking them off. He sat, nude, pulling Jay in front of him. The torrid heat of Dean’s touch braced his thighs, Dean’s grip shy of painful but possessive, jerking Jay off balance.

Jay gave a small cry.

“You won’t fall,” Dean told him.