“Not again, Dad.”
“One more, one more.”
How many shots did one family need of the same smiling faces on the same day? One more photo became ten, and by then even Dean made his objection apparent by disappearing again.
“Where are you going?” Eleanor Reid grabbed Jay by the ear.
“Is probably getting a drink. I need more shots of us as a family. The four of us. Then I want some of you and your sister alone and together.”
Those were the most difficult. His ‘smile for the camera’ trembled in danger of becoming a grimace. He so wanted to swear at his sister.
“No more.”
His mother ignored him, and made him stand at an angle to April, not quite back-to-back, and looking sideways at the camera.
“Last one then. Have any of you seen Dean?” Jay threw out the question to anyone who would listen.