The man stepped closer, but something in Dean’s posture must have changed Jay’s mind for he went still. About three long paces separated them, but the short distance might as well have been a mile.
“Some hate me.”
“Not everyone.”
“Okay. Then, April hates me.”
“She’ll get over it.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“I don’t care what April thinks.”
“Not even about our lovemaking?”
Jay opened his mouth as if to answer but then closed it again, as though he didn’t know what to say, after all.
“If I’ve ever done anything…” Dean didn’t know how to finish the sentence.
“No. No, never. I love us in bed. I love you.”
Far from the first time Jay used the ‘L’ word, Dean filed it away for now. “She caught me staring at a girl.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know. No. Not if you meant what you said to her about only looking. I just spent half an hour musing over how handsome Fran?ois is.”
“You’re attracted to him.” Neither statement nor question yet both.