“Means sex is out of the question.” Jay tried to make that sound a gloomy prospect but washing up, or bothering to do much this evening disheartened him.
“Bit too early for bed, if not for the obvious.”
Dean’s accompanying smile struck Jay as a gentle, warm, loving thing. Did anyone else see how Dean’s grin softened? Likely not. Jay suppressed a sigh. So many people never understood him. Dean—the guy’s guy. A ‘lad’. He hid his insecurities under a brash exterior. Couple that with his tendency to be thoughtless, and people assumed Dean was inconsiderate, selfish, and even rude.
The man was well intentioned. Always. Though Dean Chapman was capable of stupid behaviour, if people gave up on everyone, pushed people out of their lives for being foolish, then their circle of friends and family would dwindle. Half of those blaming Dean for his egotism were good at being self-centred themselves.
“A movie? Snuggle?”