Should he fend off the man? Should he tell Dean it wasn’t the right thing to come home and shove his dick in, uninvited? Oh…but…Arousal uncoiled, made him harden. If Dean tried to force his way in…anywhere, Jay wouldn’t say a word.
A hard, long, thick, and weighty heat filled his palm. What the hell was going on?
“Dean?” Jay’s whisper snagged in his throat and came out rasping. Did Dean even hear? So many questions revolved in Jay’s mind: What are you doing? Why? What makes you think you can take me for granted? What will you do if I refuse? Why haven’t you forced your way into my mouth?
Fucked up questions, all.
“Sorry. Just…” Dean stopped speaking, his head falling back. Jay gazed up the long hard length of Dean’s body at the most amazing sight of this man caught up in what Jay was doing to him—while squeezing the way Dean liked. “Oh…man.”