“Don’t tell me you of all men don’t accept women have sexual needs.”
“I accept it. I applaud it.”
“I’m sure you do.”
Once again, her strongest emotion struck him as one of amusement, but he was guessing. He no doubt read her wrong. He’d never made understanding women his forte.
“But what that confirms is from the moment we’re born we provide something for someone else. We all perform a role. Within society. Within the family unit, whether that is a house full, or just two. Jay needs you to be faithful, but it’s more telling you need to devote yourself, and not just to fulfil his requirement but that of your own.”
It didn’t take Dean more than a few seconds of thinking to say, “I don’t like that.”
“Because that makes everything about me, which is the thing people such as April insist is wrong with me.”
“I don’t want to hear what April says.”
Well that shut him up.