There was a chorus of laughter, and something just on the edge of hearing, a voice in another room, a chiming of distant bells, followed it. Bel stood still, waiting as the almost-sound finished, then said, “I care not. He is mine. I will raze your world to the foundations if you bring him harm.”
There was a chorus of bell-sounds and rustling whispers that reminded Oisin of the shocked whispers of the villagers when Bel had first appeared. Then suddenly the lights all winked out, and the shimmer across the cave mouth vanished.
Oisin felt as much as heard when Bel let out a long sigh. “Tell me if you see them again,” he said, still holding Oisin as he turned away from the cave.
“What were they?”
“Will o’ the wisps. Wild sprites that lure humans to their doom. They are not powerful, but they can be very dangerous.”
“I will not forbid you from exploring here, but there are many dangers. Be wary as you go.”