There had to be a sensible way to approach this. First of all he needed a way to know exactly how much of any given thing he was adding. He had a sudden flash of memory, of carrying parcels for his brother’s wife on a visit to town, and the merchants with their scales, weighing out measures of their goods. He smiled.
“Excuse me, sprites? Could I get a small scale and a set of weights, one that’s quite accurate?”
This time he could see little green glows pop into view in front of him, giggling and bobbing up and down. They clustered together and a scale appeared, one pan dipping low beneath the burden of a dozen different weights, going down to a minute one that couldn’t have been bigger than a single grain of wheat. “Perfect! Thank you!” The little blurry glows bobbed up and down more, and their giggles sounded almost as if there were words in them now.