“Ah, Bel…ah gods…” His hands both went to the back of Bel’s head, fingers digging into his hair. He was panting hard now, his heart pounding.
Bel only made a soft sound of pleasure and sank down further, taking Oisin’s cock deeper into his mouth. Oisin moaned helplessly, shuddering on the very edge, his hands gripping Bel’s hair tightly. Bel sank down further still, the cool wetness of his mouth enveloping Oisin’s cock completely, his tongue working along the underside of it, and finally it was too much for Oisin, with a low, gasping cry he came, his seed spurting out into Bel’s mouth.
With a faint shudder Bel went very still, staying down on Oisin’s cock as stream after stream of thick, hot seed flooded into his mouth. Oisin’s hands still held his hair in a grip hard enough to hurt, holding his head down. But when the last drops had pumped from him his hands relaxed, falling to his side, and his tensed body went limp with a long sigh as the moment passed.