Inside, the room held long pews full of worshipers, while a priest stood at the altar at the head of the room. Both priest and worshipers held lit candles, though the priest’s was a massive thing, thicker around than his arm, while the rest mostly had small tapers. A few, those nearest the door, glanced at Oisin. He slipped into the last pew, and their glances slid away from him, turning back to the service. The priest was reading a long passage, but it was in Latin, so Oisin had no idea what he was saying. He looked around, trying to see Caydren. He must be somewhere in the chapel, surely.
A shadow moved behind the altar, where the priest was still reading. Oisin got to his feet, but he hadn’t even finished standing when the shadow became Caydren with a black knife in his hand. It slashed out across the priest’s neck and he fell in a shower of blood.