“I’m still sorry,” he murmured, but said nothing else.
“You seem to have acquired a new name of your own. Tell me about it?”
“I killed Caydren. I didn’t want to, but he’d gone mad. Or perhaps he was always mad and I couldn’t see it.” Oisin shook his head, feeling a deep sorrow and regret. “He changed so much, so quickly…But some of that was before he met Alitius, I think.”
“A god can warp a man’s mind, but only so far. There may have been some flaw in him even before, yes. But then, which of us is without flaws? But tell me what else happened. You are…much changed from what you were before.”
“Hah. That’s an understatement. It feels very strange.” The otherness was almost an itch at the back of his mind, an odd glow, a sense of potential, but also a difference, a feeling that somebody else was somehow in his own mind with him, that constantly niggled no matter what else he thought of.
“I know.”