I won’t lie. The strangest event I’ve done is a queer outside orgy event for an esteemed, best-selling writer here in Pittsburgh. I won’t share his name, but he’s a literary genius having won a variety of writing prizes throughout his career. He gets this bizarre idea in his head to throw a party, similar to a party he might just write about. He calls it the Orgy Party, or OP for short. Twenty-five hot men. Beds on the lawn. Half-dressed waiters. A table filled with kinky toys, lubes, and condoms. Another table covered in folded, freshly laundered towels. Four bathtubs near the patio. Six portable showers. A ton of food. As I said, it was strange, but doable.
The easiest party I’ve done was for Luke’s nephew. Justin turned twelve. Twenty kids. Lots of puppies. A bouncy room and inflatable slide. Easy breezy stuff to execute.
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