Chapter 5

“You were only supposed to be out here for a year, but you never came back to Titan,” Brian said. “The Company told me you were content out here all by yourself and did not want to return.”

“Is that what they told you?” Another sarcastic laugh. “Brian, you stupid motherfucker. Read your contract closely. It says you’re assigned here for one year. One year as defined not by one circumnavigation of Earth around the sun. No, dear. It’s one trip around the sun as measured by Pluto. That’s two hundred and eighty-four Earth years. We aren’t getting out of here, sweetheart.”

“And you still think this is my fault?” Brian asked. He could understand the cold greeting, but this was extraordinary even for short-tempered Zack.

“You couldn’t just break up with me,” Zack screamed. “You had to have Glen do your dirty work for you?”

“Glen? As in Glen George? The CEO’s son?” Brian couldn’t believe his ears.

“You get the gold medal,” Zack said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.