If he does, he doesn’t comment on it. “I’ll answer any questions you have. I owe you that.”
“You don’t oweme anything.”
“Hannes.” He slides his finger along my arm, from wrist to elbow and back down again. “You took me in and cared for me. You didn’t give me up to my family, although I still don’t understand why. And this morning you didn’t call the police or try to hurt me when I revealed myself to you. Answering your questions is the least I can do.”
“If you’re sure.”
He nods against my shoulder and stops the exploration of his fingers at my wrist, but keeps them loosely pressed against my pulse point. “To answer your question, you’ve seen me as a rabbit, you know I’m white with black markings. No one in our warren or any otherwarren, as far as the elders know, is multicolored. Everyone has one color only. White or black. Brown or gray. Not two colors or more.”
“Huh. How come?”