Chapter 21

He likes it when the beach is busy and occupied; it keeps his mind off the accident. It’s why he’s been a lifeguard for the last four years. The beach holds his mood on the high. It enlightens him. The noisy and pesky seagulls. The rising and falling of the Atlantic tide. The blistering sun on a hot day. The salty wind against his bare chest and face. He loves it all. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Minus the accident, of course.

As of late, though, he’s bypassed any positive boost or thinking in his life, mostly because of the accident. The man on the beach continues to appear at dawn or dusk, never in the afternoon hours. He vanishes, appears again, and is gone, which baffles Max. It happens so quickly. Sometimes Max sees him. But most of the time he doesn’t. He’s left puzzled by the stranger. It’s a mystery he doesn’t understand and probably never will. Still to this day.