Chapter 23

* * * *

“And that’s that,” Jax said, after telling Donovan during dinner about his conversation with Noel.

“I can’t believe he thought you might be a thief on the side,” Donovan replied, shaking his head.

Jax bit back a grin. Little do you know, which is just as well. “I convinced him I’m not. I think we’ve reached a truce, or possibly even friendship of sorts.”

“I’m glad.” Donovan eyed Jax in speculation.

“Uh-uh. Don’t even go there. I told you I’ll be leaving as soon as I’ve finished here. I do not plan on getting involved with him, even for a brief fling.”

“You might be surprised how many books I can find which could use your expertise.”

Jax laughed heartedly. “I’m sure you could, but there’s a limit. My other clients might resent my spending weeks or months ignoring what they need me for.”

“I know. At least Noel’s out of his funk, which is a good thing.”

* * * *

“You seem a bit happier than you’ve been for the last few days,” Susan said as she and Noel fed the dogs.