Chapter 25

“Trust me, I get the same way at times,” Jax replied. “Although rarely. When I’m at home I’d rather avoid eating out. I do it too much when I’m working.”

“Hotel restaurants?” Noel asked.

“Unfortunately, yes, most of the time. One reason I appreciate being here. It may not be home, but at least it’s not a cookie-cutter hotel and Mrs. Greene is an excellent cook.”

“She is,” Noel agreed before he stopped talking to eat. Partway through his meal he looked at Jax in question. “Why did you get into book restoration?”

“Probably for the same reason you decided to save animals. I love books and I hate when someone damages them. I used to haunt bookstores but avoided the books that were in less than pristine shape, until I came across one that I’d been looking for forever. I bought it, and thought about taking it to a bookbinder to get it repaired. When I found out how much it would cost, and I was rather poor at the time, I decided to teach myself how to do it.”