Chapter 29

Jax gave a sharp whistle and ordered Andre to relax. The dog sat back on his haunches, still watching Walton. Jax walked over, saying to Walton, “Sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you. On the other hand, this did answer one question. Andre will let me know if anyone’s around, and then do something about it.”

“If he’d bitten me,” Walton muttered. “But he didn’t. You don’t have to apologize. Donovan told me what’s going on. The more protection you have, the better.” He put his hand down slowly so Andre could sniff it. “Next time, dog, remember I’m his friend. Okay?”

Andre did what he was good at. He licked Walton’s hand. Jax could tell Walton wanted to say “Yuck” and didn’t because, well, good estate managers don’t lower themselves that way. Instead, he shook the slobber off his hand, shot Andre a look of disgust, and headed toward the house

Only then did Jax and Noel laugh, albeit softly.

“The look on his face…” Noel said.