Chapter 33

“Not really. It’s a one-dish dinner.” He took a covered skillet off the stove, putting the contents on top of rice noodles in a large bowl sitting on the counter. “Singapore Curried Shrimp. I hope you like it.”

“If it tastes as good as it smells, I know I will.”

“If you’ll put the bowl on the table,” Noel said, “I’ll feed the beast and pour our tea, unless you’d like a beer, instead.”

“Tea is fine,” Jax replied, picking up the bowl. He set it on the table in the main room and was about to check out the bookshelves to see what sort of literature Noel liked when he appeared with cups of tea that he put beside their places.

“Take as much as you want,” Noel said when they were seated, sliding the bowl to Jax. “There’s more than enough for both of us.”

Jax did, and once he’d tasted it he said, “This is much better than anything we’d have gotten at the restaurant.”

“Thanks,” Noel replied, smiling with pleasure. “I like trying new things.”