Chapter 16

“Come on, let’s get out of the rain.”

Gael swayed, and Archie wound his arm around his waist. His clothes were soaked. Slowly they walked into another narrow alley, this one dirtier than the last. The brick walls had holes in them, one corner of a house had collapsed. “Not the fancy side of town this.”

“I don’t think this town has a fancy side.” Gael winced, and Archie’s heart pounded harder. He couldn’t let him die, not now.

“So…Ira betrayed you?”

“I don’t know, but hell hath no fury.” He shook his head, but what it meant Archie didn’t know. He was glad he didn’t have any scorned lovers hidden away.

“A bit drastic, though.”

“Sybil isn’t to be trusted.”

“So you don’t think your maker is by the Upper South Circle?” It would take a day to get there by car, but it could take weeks for Archie to find her. Gael didn’t have weeks, he might not have more than a day or two. Archie suppressed a shiver.