Chapter 24

“The fact that we’re best friends first and foremost makes it even worse, doesn’t it?”

Keenan’s rows of brilliant, white teeth were on full display now. “Yup. In the past, we were two best friends spending time with each other. There’s no sexual tension between us. At least none we’re both aware of.”

Pablo smirked at Keenan. “I’ve liked you as more than just a friend for months now.”

“Same for me, but this time around, I’m not only having lunch with my best friend. I’m on a date with you.”

Pablo couldn’t deny he detected a surge of warm, pleasant sensation rushing through his guts when he heard that. “It does feel kind of strange, going from best friends to something more.”

Keenan placed his arms on the table as he leaned his face a few inches closer to Pablo. “Do you have any regrets?”

Pablo shook his head. “None.”

The delighted expression on Keenan’s face told Pablo he had given the correct answer to the question. Keenan confirmed it mere seconds later.