Chapter 14

“Imagine an Earth as it was a thousand years ago. Immense forests, lush jungles, clean rivers and oceans, immaculate snow-topped mountains. That’s myworld. We don’t want technology. We don’t need it. We have all we ever need without it.”

“Then what doyou protect the portals from?” Shaw asked.

“From yourworld. Or more specifically those who seek to invade us and ruin our world the way they’ve ruined yours.” Drake shrugged.

“Can you imagine your billionaires, your industrialists, the very people who pollute and destroy your world, coming and doing the same in ours?” Bron took over speaking as Drake lapsed into silence. “Making slaves of those who are peace-loving? No, the portals aren’t to keep your world safe from invasion by my kind. It’s to keep your kind from invading ours.”

The revelation stunned Shaw. “Then what happened? Who wants the key?”