“I’m glad to hear that.” Efren slid a brief, teasing kiss on Marcelo’s mouth before winking and preparing himself for bed.
Marcelo’s breath hitched, and he floated through the same motions. What would happen tonight? Efren had penetrated him on their wedding night. The next night had been at camp when they’d come together before the attack. They’d reached that glorious pinnacle of joyous release by simply kissing and milling against each other. Was that what Efren planned tonight?
When Marcelo reached for his nightshirt, Efren stilled his movement with a firm hand placed on his forearm. Marcelo dropped the material and turned.
The grin Marcelo directed at Efren felt different. Before when they’d been alone together, preparing for bed, he’d been nervous. Partly—especially that first night—because he hadn’t known precisely what to expect. There was safety in knowledge.