So this morning, I called my boss and asked if I could change my mind. He said yes.
It’ll take a month to make the transition. My family probably won’t be thrilled. My dad definitely won’t. I’ll be sucking down antacids like candy to deal with my nerves, but damn it, I’m doing it. Because Mr. Extraordinary reminded me progress only happens one step at a time.
California, here I come.
I read Fisher’s post over lunch, then read it again because it all seemed unreal. He was taking the promotion. Because of me? Partially, at least, but more because of him. This was what he did. He saw an obstacle, and he found a way to get over it. Not around. Fisher was not one for shortcuts.
We would be living in the same state. One of the job’s pros had been the future he thought he could build with me.
I needed to talk to him.
Work didn’t let me.
The best I could manage was a hastily written text in between patients mid-afternoon.
Call tonight?