Noah slid over to the far side of the bed, tugging Gabe with him, and Jack seemed to get the idea, for he shifted and helped Noah put Gabe in the middle. Gabe wrapped his arms around Noah, with a shaky murmur of “I’m sorry,” and held him so tightly that Noah could hardly breathe. Noah nuzzled against Gabe’s chest, pressing close willingly, while Jack spooned the taller man as best he could, nuzzling the back of his neck and murmuring soft, soothing nonsense.
“I could have lost you. I could have lost you both because of him. Because of my folly. I’m so sorry.” He shook harder, clinging even tighter to Noah, who was having trouble breathing now, but didn’t move to struggle free. Instead he hugged Gabe back tightly.
He managed to get enough breath to say, “It was hundreds of years ago. You’ve said that you were young. And it’s hardly your fault that somebody deceived you. It’s not.”