Chapter 15

With all my heart,


Ivan wiped away the single tear that threatened to slide down the side of his right eye. Darren was a sentimental sap, but it was one of the reasons why Ivan loved that man so much. He was slightly taken aback when he heard George clearing his throat loudly. He turned toward George, who was now smiling at him.

“Sit tight, sir. Michael and I will get up to the front of the carriage. Then we will be on our way.”

Ivan nodded. “Okay.”

A brief moment later, he listened to the gentle hoofs of the horses clopping against the bricks that lined the path as the carriage slowly moved forward. He sipped on his champagne as he read the short message from Darren for the second time in a row. He was about to put the paper back onto the small table when he detected motions outside the windows on either side of him. He darted his eyes left and right. There were groups of people playing various types of instruments. They were seated on both sides of the path.