“No…I mean…” Preston adjusted his tie clasp, a silvery bar with a small red flower and his initials, APP. I was a detail person. I noticed things, like how the newbie’s initials spelled app. Despite my age, that was a word I knew and something I’d actually used. I also knew what an ass was, and imagined the tie clip saying that, instead, for accuracy sake. “The guy who shoved you, was he a man?”
“Oh. Sorry. I thought Ralph being a man would be kind of obvious, but you asked, so…”
I was also a thinker. Right then, I thought about how Archie always wanted to do his best. He was na?ve, and often literal. “There’s no need to be sorry, Archie.”
“Good. As for the other person, I think I already said I wasn’t sure.” Archie sought assurance from me, so I offered a subtle tilt of the head. “Yes. Yes, I did say that.”