Chapter 10

Was there a particular point to tailing the newbie? Not really. Sometimes, I was just nosy. I wondered if the guy knew someone in New Mill Town, if there was some particular reason he’d swum out of a big pond to come dive into a smaller one. Was he hoping to go from guppy to shark? Was he involved in an illicit, long-distance love affair he wanted to make short-distance? Would said long distance love be male or female? Following Preston might offer some answers.

Preston passed the diner, so he wasn’t looking for food. His gait was swift. Maybe, after one morning with me, he was rushing right out of town with his tail between his legs. It’d be great to see him go and watch him leave, as far as I was concerned.

At least there was sunshine, now. Instead of gloom and rain, there was broiling, blinding UV rays of torture. So much for exercise brightening one’s mood.

“Why is Captain Becker angry with you, Archie?” Preston had asked.