Chapter 58

“I don’t care what other people think, only you.”

It was such a Dougie thing to say. The two looked nothing alike, even if their words sometimes sounded the same.

“Well…” I brushed off our lapels, his first, and then mine. Some of the flowers he’d brought me were already shedding. “I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anyone handsomer than you are right now.”

A vision of Dougie in his prom tux from our ancient 1993 New Mill Town High yearbook, flashed in my mind. Everything I felt was wrong.

“Did you get these flowers from Freddie?”

The flowers looked kind of raggedy, kind of droopy, kind of dirty. They were also the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. Still, they paled in comparison to the man who’d brought them. The most elegant, expensive, American Beauties would have, and these were not that.