Chapter 92

“It’s here at this end.”

Once again, Archie’s movement worried me, too. He took a few steps to the top of the bed, getting Preston away from the window.

“Don’t come any closer, Becker.” Preston’s voice was cold, full of urgency and anger, now.

Unfortunately, the sash had squeaked tellingly, when I’d put my full weight on it to attempt to crawl inside.

“On second thought, come in, but drop your weapon first.”

I would have taken a shot, if Preston hadn’t put the barrel of his against Archie’s temple.

“Let him go, Preston. Just take what you came for, and let Archie go.”

“I will, if you come inside. Leave your gun out there,” Preston ordered.

I held my Glock up for Preston to see, and then squatted to leave it on the shingles just to the side. “All gone. See?”

“Good job, Becker. Nice and slow, one step at a time, join us in the attic.”