“She’s seventeen. I suppose we got away with it longer than some would have. She was afraid we were about to split up. We didn’t want to lie anymore. It was tough.” Lee bit the top off the last blue and yellow frosted cupcake. “Screw that, though. It has to be tougher on her, and I hate that. It’s ironic that she might not get bullied these days for having two gay dads, hopefully not, though like we just said, one can never be sure from day to day, state to state, politician to politician, internet comment to internet comment how the LGBTQIA community is doing as far as acceptance. Better, for sure, with enough hate to never get comfortable. Still, she might catch crap if anyone were to find out she has one straight dad and one gay.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Stone admitted.
“I guess you don’t have to say anything. I just thought letting you in on the situation was the fair thing to do, considering…”
“You two look chummy.” Edison had a way of just appearing.