Jake nodded. “I had a client who thought it was happening to him. He was right. I found a tracking device on his car and removed it. That seemed to end the problem, until today.” Jake took the last drink of his beer before slamming the bottle down on the table. When Russ jumped, Jake said “Sorry, but I’m pissed. Not that what happened is my fault, because it’s not, but…Anyway, his, Alan’s partner came to the agency to let me know that Alan’s missing. Long story short, Alan left his shop with an unidentified male and never returned.”
“What kind of shop?”
“A jewelry store.”
Russ frowned. “Wouldn’t it have security cameras? Every one I’ve been in did.”
“It does, but the man obviously knew they were there and did his best to keep his face from being photographed in the two minutes it took for him to enter and say something to Alan that made him leave with him.”
“At which point he, they, vanished into thin air I take it.”