::Now you have a taste of what I’ve known. Jealousy is not a pretty thing.::
Marishal’s sudden observation jolted him. When he slid a sideways glance at the younger elf striding beside him, he realized Marishal was studying him intently. The next time, his brother spoke aloud.
“You don’t trust me and you’re wondering why I’m here. Let me try to put your worries to rest. I did a very foolish, very wicked thing back in our gate, sending you off to face becoming lost or even death. I can only plead jealousy and insecurity, a childish wish to strike out from my pain.
“As soon as I emerged on your world, I realized how wrong this was, how foolish and petty I had been. I knew I must act at once or bear the shame and guilt of your death for all my days. My awareness drove me to turn around. I went directly home, found Father and confessed my contemptible deed.”
Clay looked at Marishal, not sure whether to believe him or not. “Was he exceedingly angry with you?”