Chapter 37

“He forced me to invest with a charlatan! A mountebank who fled with all the investors’ money!”

Nick frowned. “How could he force you to—?”

“He refused me a place in the Lansea Square venture!” Lamotte actually waved the pistol for a moment, but it was over too quickly for Matthias to make a grab for it. “He left me no choice but to invest elsewhere.”

“Refused?” Nick looked genuinely bewildered. “I’m not terribly familiar with the particulars, but why would someone refuse an investor?”

Matthias could keep silent no longer. “He would if said investor had tried to cheat him once before.”

“Be silent!” Spittle flew from Lamotte’s mouth.

“And when you invested elsewhere, you were cheated,” Nick surmised. “Matthias is hardly to blame for that.”

“I lost everything, you fool!” Lamotte shook the pistol at Nick. “I was promised a fortune!”

“Not by me,” Matthias said, determined to keep Lamotte’s attention on him.