The last thing he remembered before drifting off to sleep was Matthias wrapping arms tightly around him.26
“What time is it?” came Nick’s drowsy voice.
“Are you so anxious to get to the dueling ground?” Matthias looked at the mantel clock, squinting to see the hands. “We still have an hour or two before dawn.”
Nick moved off him and sat up to see the clock himself.
Matthias knew he should have felt insulted that Nick refused to take his word for it, but he was unable to take offense at much of anything. Not when what truly was on his mind was—“You cannot do this.”
A sigh, and then Nick flopped back down. “I thought we’d already established that I must.”
“Very well.” Matthias decided it was his turn to sit up. “Perhaps I misspoke. Icannot let you do this.”
Nick closed his eyes in apparent exasperation.
“I ought to just tie you to the bed.”
The blue eyes flew open, appearing almost black.