Chapter 4

“Hey, Javier. I have no idea what you’re referring to, but come on in. Have a seat. What’s up?”

Javier arched his left eyebrow slightly in response before entering the office and pulling out one of the chairs across the table from Justin. “You’re hiding something.”

Justin snorted. “No, I’m not, and you haven’t answered my question. What are you here for?”

Javier stared at Justin for several seconds longer before sliding a folder that he had brought along with him across the table. “I have a few trips scheduled for the next two months. I may be a manager in the marketing department now, but I still need to check up on some of the bigger clients once in a while. The trip will begin next week. I just want to inform you of all of the dates in advance. I know how busy you are, especially now that the new year has just begun.”