“I don’t know, man.”
“Just, if you have the bravery to face any of your martial arts opponents without chickening out, I’m sure you can dig up enough courage to ask Blake out on a date. What’s the worst that can happen anyway?”
“He may shoot me down nicely.”
“And that will be a bad thing because?”
“Precisely because he may end up being too damn sweet and gentle about the whole thing, and from what I’ve known about him so far, he will be one of those gentlemen who will be overly kind and lovely even as he lets me down as gracefully as he can. All the while, he will be worried about hurting my feelings, and that will somehow make the situation so much worse.”
Javier rolled his eyes. “Dude! Listen to yourself. You’re becoming more melodramatic lately. Chill out already. Everything will be fine, and you want to know something?”