
Chapter 26

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About twenty minutes later we took the document and a tape measure and went into Quentin’s bedroom.

On the wall opposite the door into the room there was, left to right, a chest of drawers, a large mirror, a wardrobe—odd, since there was a walk-in closet opposite the window—and then another chest of drawers.

I unrolled the document. It was a diagram of the condo, showing all the rooms, electrical outlets, plumbing—everything. And for each room dimensions were given for each built-in feature, such as doors and windows.

I examined the dimensions for Quentin’s bedroom. Horst took the end of the tape measure and went to the left hand end of the wall we were regarding. Murmuring, “four feet, two inches,” I pulled the tape to the right until I had the distance indicated from the left hand corner.

It was just inside the left hand frame of the wall mirror.

“Aha,” I murmured.