As Bill had promised, this time it was better. Bill’s entry had been almost painless, and any discomfort was quickly replaced with sensations of pure pleasure. In addition, love was now part of the equation. At least it was for Frank, and he fervently hoped it was the same for Bill. Somewhere between Frank’s realization at dinner that life without Bill would be intolerable and the uniting of their bodies, Frank had fallen in love. He hadn’t declared it aloud, afraid it wasn’t reciprocated. But it was there, awaiting the moment Bill proclaimed that he felt the same.
Since this union was the fourth time they’d made love—that was how Frank now viewed it—the need to climax was not urgent. Both men seemed to be willing to let the moment be delayed, so they could fully appreciate the experience and for Frank to bask in the feelings of love he now held for the man whose body was so intimately joined to his.
“It’s good, Frodo?” Bill asked in a whisper.