
Chapter 19

I didn’t understand what terrified her and remained still. She turned in my arms and watched the water disappearing down the drain. The strangled gurgling sounds of the water seemed to bother her and she whimpered as the last of it was sucked away.

I reached for the faucet and turned it on. “Watch, I’m going to fill it again.”

Lily squealed and shook her head.

“Baby, what?” Unable to soothe her, I held her tight and attempted to wash the ring of dirt from the tub. When the tub was clean and full with water, I showed Lily. “See.” I ran my fingers across the surface. Lily watched intently, but didn’t seem convinced she wasn’t going to go down the drain. The rose shampoo bottle had spilled and I reached down and grabbed it from the floor. “Do you remember this?” I showed her the bottle again. “Please,” I pleaded with her, desperate to know if my kid remained somewhere beneath the wild exterior.