And more than just crime reporters. A lot of what we write requires digging deep to get a story—unless we write for the home and garden, or entertainment sections.”
“Or do editorials?”
“A good editorial writer has to fact check everything if he doesn’t want to be shot out of the water by a reader who disagrees with him and does their best to prove him wrong.”
“That makes sense.” Michael moved cautiously back to the railing, peering over. “He’s not down there watching the place anymore.”
“If he saw both of us, he might have left by now—whatever his reason was for being here in the first place.”
“I hope so. I’m still going to double lock my door, set the alarm, and…and put a chair under the handle, after you leave.”
“I’m not going,” Reid told him after a moment’s thought. “Before you get suspicious about my motives—if he is hanging around somewhere, and doesn’t see me leave, he won’t try anything.”