Chapter 15

The waiter took their orders for drinks, iced tea for both of them, and their meals. When he left, Michael said, “If we knew his name…”

“According to the tag on his vest, it’s Parker.”

“Not the waiter’s name. Damn.”

Reid smiled. “I know, and for the next couple of hours the guy and the murder are off the table. Period, end of subject.” He leaned back, asking, “So when do you start worrying about Halloween?”

“A month ago.”

“It’s only August,” Reid pointed out.

“And? I have to place orders for costumes we’re going to buy, plus all the accessories like masks, makeup, anything you can think of that people want for the holiday. Carolyn and I decide which costumes should be on the top of her make-list, based on what movies and TV shows are popular. Well, some of that we figured out a while ago, otherwise she wouldn’t have time to sew and help out when I need her to.”

“Why only the two of you?” Reid asked.